Woman + Runner + Fighter

Follow a cavewoman on her fitness journey.

I’m back in the saddle!

Posted by cavewomanrunner on August 14, 2009

I’m back!! After two weeks of not running and babying the foot, I went running. I did a nice, easy 2.5 mile jog. The foot hurt a bit, but it wasn’t too bad. I also used my old running shoes, not my Vibrams. I noticed that I still ran like I was running in the Vibrams, it just seemed more natural.

This week I also ran 5 miles on Wednesday, 3 miles Thursday, and 2 miles Friday. After the Friday run, the foot started hurting a bit more. I will back off for Saturday and then see how it feels Sunday. I would like to get back to my regular schedule, but now is also the time to let it heal completely. The next big race I would want to do isn’t until October, so I have plenty of time to still recover fully and train.

I’ve had the Aerosmith song “Back in the Saddle” stuck in my head all week, though. It feels so great to be running again!

I’m also reading “Born to Run.”  I’m only halfway through and can’t praise it enough. It’s so inspiring! I’ve only got a library copy, but will be getting my own copy to keep soon!

Happy Trails!

2 Responses to “I’m back in the saddle!”

  1. phil said

    Glad to see you running again. I came across your webite a while back because i was wondering if there was someone else trying a paleo/primal diet with longer distance running. I bought born to run and have shared it with two other friends who could not put it down after starting it. Scott Jurek has WON the Spartahlon twice. 152 miles in I believe 18 hours, INCREDIBLE.

    • cavewomanrunner said

      Thanks, Phil. I can’t say enough about Born to Run. It’s a truly inspiring book and the real life characters in it are just amazing. How is your paleo diet and long distance running going? Great successes, hopefully!
      I agree that Scott Jurek is awe inspiring. His website shows he won the Spartathlon in 2006 and 2007, his best time was 22:52. That’s 152.85 miles with a 8:58 pace per mile. He’s also won Badwater (hailed as the toughest race on earth) twice, with a best of 24:36 (10:56 pace). Wow.

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